
Demonology 101

The study of the underworld as compared to what you hear on ParaReality Radio


Hello and welcome to my little corner of Sandman’s fan site dedicated to Demonology and the study thereof.

As defined the study of Demonology from a “Christians” point of view is based solely and unequivocally on the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. In considering this as the premise by which everything you will read on this section of the fansite will hold true to form, I have decided to split the space I have been given into two additional sections listed below.


1. An editorial section entitled, “Living With It Today” which will be updated every two weeks pertaining to reviewing (from a Christian Demonologist’s perspective), any topic Sandman might have had on the show. This will include tips on understanding certain occult usages and practices, the does and dont's of understanding and living within what is taught or explained in a Demonologist's perspective during the program.



October 17th, 2008 Show:

Hello All and thanks for returning to this site for the latest review/information.

This weeks show actually had "yours truly" on Sandman's broadcast discussing various information on "Christian Demonology" and case study pertaining to the very same. I attempted to do the best I could to inform the audience about the differences between "Roman Catholic Demonology" and "Christian Demonology". I felt that Sandman did an excellent job of asking questions the audience came up with, and during the show some one asked how I became interested in the discipline in the first place. I chose to discuss a very torrid situation that happened with a friend and I many years ago utilizing the "Witch board", and explained how I eventually became aware of the rite of exorcism and what was necessary to help my friend not soon after delving in this evil form of divination.

If you would like to listen in on an actual case involving a similar incident to the one which my friend was confronted by, please click on below:


In closing, I want to thank Sandman and his audience for a genuinely positive time. I was extremely hesitant about doing this at first, but once again by both their understanding and real interest, it proves why ParaReality Radio is the best place on the net for discussing this difficult subject.

If and when you get the chance, please listen in on the "re-broadcast" Sandman has placed up there for the 17th won't be disappointed.



September 20th, 2008 Show:

This week Sandman did an EXCELLENT show on "Fear" and what it means to people. He gave a very interesting background on the types of fear and discussed the reasons for it and the many behaviors associated with the symptoms of thus.

For an outstanding background on a lot of what Sandman discussed, make sure to check out the following site:

Some personal notes on the show: It was my intent to instill a little "demonical" inference to this weeks topic, so I began with the Salem Witch Trials and whether or not Sandman believed the strange events were mass hysteria or really brought about by Demonic influences that fueled and enhanced an otherwise strange situation. We have heard all the "theories" before, like Ergot Posioning, blaming it on the "Dark People" or Satanic Indians, etc., but I thought it would lead into a good example of a fear factor gone amuck.

The second question I had asked also centered around Demonic activity, and that had to do with the famous Incubus and Succubus of legend.

Here is an interesting "biblically" oriented page on these particular Demons and their activities:

My question actually centered around "Night Terror" or pavor nocturnus in general, and any information Sandman had on the relevance behind this. I asked it in the context of the two Demonic manifestations above, mainly because I have also found this a very fascinating subject, one I really believe is a serious danger to those not protected.

All in all the show was a very good one and you should really visit Sandman's Radio broadcasts to "turn on, tune in and find out!

See ya in two weeks!



September 6th, 2008 Show:

OK so for a couple of weeks now I have heard a number of interesting ideas on Sandman's show which I wanted to discuss here today. First of all, he discussed the "Shadow People" and their influences throughout history. In this discussion it was asked of Sandman if he felt that they were in fact demons or "demonically influencing". The answer was clearly, "no".

Personally, and with all due respect to Sandman and his excellent show, I beg to differ.

I feel as though any supernatural influence which seems to cause a negative manipulation about 99.9% of the time must be wrought in demonic license, if not completely demonic in and of itself. For many years now I have listened to different people look to place a "status" or "name" to various spirits which seem to haunt them. The term “Shadow People” could be just another way by which the devil enjoys a status undeserving and only in reality, “business as usual”.  In this case Sandman did agree that these entities were in fact influencing or in some way “observing” those who are alive and nearby to them, so this means they are not residual, but intelligent in origin.

Secondly, when discussing poltergeist or ghost phenomena, we normally do not see negative influences or “bad vibes” occur unless they are in some way looking to get a point across to those they haunt. Normally a person will feel frightened by what they see, but rarely does a ghost look to harm or cause negativity to be the mainstay of what they seem to be attempting to achieve.

Therefore in conclusion to this week’s radio broadcast, I disagree with Sandman on this point of fact, and would conclude that if a “paranormal” object or being intends to cause negative impulses or harm to those of the living, the outcome is either influenced by or is in fact demonic in intent.


2. A Links Corner which will add various guides, books and general “stuff” I feel is best to help support my arguments pertaining to “Living With It Today”. This will be entitled, “Support Links”.

More to come so check back


1. A Fantastic Book on Christian Demonology:
They Shall Expel Demons By David Prince


2. An Excellent Book on the Demonic Influences surrounding the Salem Witch Trials.

Demonic Possession On Trial: Case Studies in Early Modern England and Colonial America, 1593-1692


3. Wikipedia's Definition of "Christian" Demonology:
